Van Hool 3B0072 - Schuifzeiloplegger(75136-31)
Auction transport
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
Chassis: YE13B0072AA405076
1st registration: 30/09/04
Tare: 7860 kg
MTM: 38000 kg
TTM: 38000 kg
MTM under axles: 27000 kg
- 3 axles
- braked
- air suspension
- Certificate of registration
- Certificate of conformity
- Inspection certificate (expired)
- Identification report
- Technical sheet
The material must be collected between 10/02/25 and 21/02/25!
1st registration: 30/09/04
Tare: 7860 kg
MTM: 38000 kg
TTM: 38000 kg
MTM under axles: 27000 kg
- 3 axles
- braked
- air suspension
- Certificate of registration
- Certificate of conformity
- Inspection certificate (expired)
- Identification report
- Technical sheet
The material must be collected between 10/02/25 and 21/02/25!
Staat van het voorwerp dient ter plaatsen geinspecteerd te worden!